Do women around the world want to have fewer babies than they actually have? What effective and cheap birth control means for prosperity of women? Leading international reproductive science expert shares his view.
Birth control for population control is an effective method to improve lives of women in many countries. Birth control for population control is an important social and health topic. Healthy pregnancy is a planned pregnancy. Human population control methods are effective method to improve standards of living. Birth control is also not expensive and it reduces burden on healthcare systems that unplanned pregnancies can create. Video interview with top expert in obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences. Medical second opinion also confirms that treatment is required. Medical second opinion helps to choose the best treatment for birth control side effects. Get medical second opinion on best birth control and be confident that your treatment is the best. Birth control for population control. 1234. There are 7 billion people on the planet today, almost triple the number about sixty years ago. Most of the population growth will come from the countries this are least economically developed. Potentially population growth in the least developed countries and decline in population in the industrialized world creates a lot of social and socioeconomic tensions. The problem is that the skills that are required in modern market are very high level skills. People from the most populous countries often do not have such skills. In traditional society having more children serves as a little bit of insurance for the older age for the parents. Because some of children will tend the farm perhaps, or do some family business. Even though only one of several children might "make it", but that would take care of the entire family. So population growth and population control are very difficult subjects to approach. Can the population be controlled around the world? Is it worth doing so? 1234 (Specialist in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, UCSF): As you point out this is a complicated issue - economically, politically socially. It has traditional and religious implications. I think the most direct answer to your question is: Yes, and the mechanism is simple. When we ask women all around the world: How many children women want to have? They tell us that they want to have fewer children than they actually do have. We could ask them. Why is that? They tell us they didn't have access to family planning. In the health care systems all around the world the numbers of children women have is far higher than women want to have. This is true even in sub-saharan Africa, where numbers of children desired is higher than in the rest of the world. All around the world women say: I want to have fewer children than I'm likely to have. Please give me contraception and safe abortion. Sometimes we simply gave all women the opportunity to have as many children as they want, they would have many fewer than they have. population growth would gradually decline. We see those declines in societies where there hasn't been much economic growth. We see that where there's been political chaos for much of the past 20 years. Great examples are these countries: Bangladesh, Nepal. In Mexico fertility rates have declined dramatically. The interventions that make that possible for women and for families are really clear. A report from the global health policy summit in 2012 showed that seven simple interventions decreased maternal mortality around the world dramatically. Those interventions were: family planning, safe abortion, early prenatal care. They are very inexpensive compared to the other ways governments spend money. That's a long answer but it's a complicated question. But I think the answers aren't as complex as you might think. Birth control for population control. Is it cheap method to improve maternal and child health around the world? Does population growth control make sense?